Ax: blade (blade) + wood.īacon: fire + pork. Atmosphere: air + pressure or pressure + sky. Astronaut: human + moon, human + rocket, human + space, or human + space station. Astronaut ice cream: astronaut + ice cream. Antarctica: desert + ice or desert + snow. Ant: grass + wild animal or sugar + wild animal. Algae: ocean + plant, plant + sea or plant + water. Air: The air element is one of the four basic elements. All the Little Alchemy cheats in alphabetical orderĪcid rain: rain + smog or rain + smoky.

Go ahead and use the cheat sheet below, if you feel like your fantasy is coming to an end and you need a little inspiration. Start with four basic elements (air, earth, water, and fire), and then you can create up to 580 elements including hamburger, lion, earthquake, and even an x-ray. You can Little Alchemy and add it as an extension to your Google Chrome browser. In this article, you will find a cheat sheet with all 580 combinations and formulas to use as a point of reference. Little Alchemy is an easy, though very addictive, and relaxing game where you can mix different elements and create new ones.